Status dostępności:
Wypożyczalnia Multimediów
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. CD78-V (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera. - 1. Walsingham; 2. Can She Excuse My Wrongs; 3. "Ryght Honorable..."; 4. Flow My Tears (Lachrimae); 5. Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow; 6. ...Then in Time Passing on...; 7. The Battle Galliard; 8. The Lowest Trees Have Tops; 9. "...And Accordinge as I Desired Ther Cam a Letter..."; 10. Fine Knacks for Ladies; 11. "...From Thenc I Went to the Landgrave of Hessen..."; 12. Fantasy; 13. Come, Heavy Sleep; 14. Forlorn Hope Fancy; 15. "...And From Thence I Had Great Desire to See Italy..."; 16. Come Again; 17. Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me; 18. "...After My Departure I Caled to Mynde..."; 19. Weep You No More, Sad Fountains; 20. My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home; 21. Clear Or Cloudy; 22. "...Men Say That the Kinge of Spain..."; 23. In Darkness Let Me Dwell.
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